Live DBT SKills Class Schedule
Join us weekly for our LIVE DBT Skills Classes!
Our classes are taught in an interactive webinar format. Members are able to connect and ask questions through the live chat. However, to protect privacy, the videos/faces of participants are not shown.
Current Class Schedule:
Wednesdays 12pm ET
Wednesdays 6pm ET
Fridays 1pm ET
Unable to join us live? No worries! The recordings are available for all members.
See below our LIVE DBT Skills schedule and descriptions of the modules and weekly content.
***Also, as a member you are able to follow our self-guided courses at your own pace if you do not prefer to learn with us live.
Interpersonal Effectiveness Module
Introduction to Interpersonal Effectiveness
Relationships are a critical part of our lives, and learning to build and keep healthy relationships is important to having a fulfilling life. This module is all about learning how to be effective in relationships.
We will discuss skills to accomplish three main goals.
To be more skillful in getting what you want and need from other people.
To develop healthy relationships and end unhealthy relationships.
To take and develop the relationship with yourself as a top priority.
In Week 1, we discuss the goals of interpersonal effectiveness, the factors that may interfere with your interpersonal effectiveness and the myths and beliefs that may interfere with interpersonal effectiveness.
In Week 2, we talk about the three different types of priorities or goals we can have during an interpersonal interaction. We introduce objective effectiveness, relationship effectiveness and self-respect effectiveness. This week specifically focuses on objective effectiveness, learning the DEAR MAN skill to know how to ask for what we want or need and to say no to an unwanted request. We also look at how you can apply DEAR MAN to difficult interactions.
In Week 3, we focus on relationship effectiveness, learning how to improve and maintain relationships. The lesson covers the GIVE skills, with a special emphasis on learning how to validate effectively.
In Week 4, we discuss how to develop self-respect effectiveness. How to build and maintain your self-respect during personal interactions by applying the FAST skills. This lesson also teaches us to identify important factors that influence the intensity we use during an interaction.
In Week 5, we learn how to build relationships in a balanced way. This lesson discusses how to make friends, get people to like you and build healthy intimacy in relationships.
In Week 6, we talk about how to troubleshoot and deal with problematic relationships. We learn how to identify interfering and destructive relationships. We also cover how to end a relationship effectively.
In Week 7, we discuss dialectical thinking and how to use a dialectical stance during interpersonal interactions. We learn about the principles of behaviorism and how they can be used effectively to improve desired behaviors in ourselves and reduce unwanted behaviors in others.
Emotion Regulation Module
Introduction to Emotion Regulation
Learning to obtain emotional health and emotion regulation are extremely important to living a full and meaningful life. In this module we learn that emotions are part of our human experience and learning how to regulate them is essential to creating a balanced, healthy and fulfilling life.
We will discuss:
How to learn how to be more present with your emotions and how not to engage in behaviors that may move us away from positive emotions.
An exploration of your values, discover what is meaningful to you and your life and learn how to develop goals, based on your personal values.
Learn how to determine if our emotions are justified or unjustified, helpful or unhelpful, and then how to deal with them.
Learn how to let go and change painful emotions in order to reduce emotional suffering
Learn how to cope ahead and prepare for potentially emotionally difficult situations so that we can handle them in the most effective way possible.
In Week 1, we discuss healthy perspectives on emotions, we take a look at the basic overview of primary emotions, the gifts of emotions, myths about emotions, and learn encouraging self-statements about emotions.
IIn Week 2, we talk about what makes it difficult for some people to regulate emotions. We take a look at the biosocial theory and why some people may struggle with chronic emotion dysregulation. We discuss recovering from invalidation and the importance of self-validation.
In Week 3, we take a look at the model of emotions, and how our thoughts and interpretations influence emotions. We discuss common thinking mistakes and introduce the skill checking the facts with your thoughts. We also cover dialectical thinking and effective rethinking.
In Week 4, we dig deeply into exploring and understanding our primary emotions. We also cover the skill of observing and describing emotions.
In Week 5, we learn how to identify when we may need or want to change an emotional response. We look at Checking the Facts to determine if an emotion is justified or unjustified. We introduce the skill, Opposite Action, to change emotional responses if the emotion is not justified by facts and/or if acting on the emotion may not be helpful for what we want in life. We also discuss the skill Problem Solving to find effective ways to act if our emotion is in line with the facts.
In Week 6, we talk about the skill, Mindfulness of Current Emotions and we discuss how to manage extreme emotions (a quick review of the Distress Tolerance module’scrisis survival skills, concluding with troubleshooting the emotional regulation skills we have covered.
In Week 7, we discuss how to reduce vulnerability to emotion mind and build a life worth living by applying the ABC PLEASE skills. This week we talk specifically about Accumulating Positives in the long-term and short-term, and we begin our exploration into values.
In Week 8, we talk about value driven goals and how to develop a goal strategy, with an emphasis on strategies to increase follow through and goal achievement.
In Week 9, we introduce the skills, Building Mastery and Coping Ahead.
In Week 10, we learn all about the PLEASE skills and how maintaining a healthy balanced physical body helps maintain a balanced and healthy mind. A body that is out of balance will increase our vulnerability to emotion mind and painful emotions. By taking care of our body, we increase emotional balance and resilience.
Join us as we discuss how to deal with Anxiety and Fear using DBT Skills.
Join us as we discuss how to deal with Sadness and Depression using DBT Skills.
Join us as we discuss how to deal with Shame and Guilt using DBT Skills.
Mindfulness Module
Introduction to Mindfulness
In this module we learn how to practice and implement mindfulness into our life. Mindfulness is a core foundation of DBT and is really woven into virtually every DBT skill!
The goals of Mindfulness are:
To live in the present moment
To allow you to slow down and notice
To increase positive emotions
To reduce suffering
To be more effective in relationships
To improve the relationship with yourself
We will be breaking down the various elements of mindfulness and taking a deep dive into how to practice mindfulness and how it can enhance our lives, emotional wellbeing, and healing. We will also help disprove some myths about mindfulness and how to practically bring mindfulness into our daily life.
In Week 1, we explore some important basics about mindfulness. We cover the topics, how mindfulness may be helpful and how we can begin to bring mindfulness in our lives. We clarify myths about mindfulness and learn about the core DBT Mindfulness skills.
In Week 2, we introduce the three minds: Emotion Mind, Reasonable Mind, and Wise Mind. In DBT, we discuss three main mind states: Emotion Mind, Reasonable Mind, and Wise Mind. Emotion Mind tends to be ruled by feelings, moods, and urges, whereas Reasonable Mind tends to be filled by facts, logic, and pragmatics. We also have Wise Mind, which is able to make contact with emotion and also reason, connecting to intuition, and operates from a place of grounding.
In this lesson we cover understanding the three mind states and developing greater awareness of your mind state. We look at ways to shift out of Emotion Mind if needed and how to not get locked into patterns of Emotion Mind with relationships, anger, fear, and more!
In Week 3, we talk about Finding Wise Mind and Shifting Out of Reasonable Mind when needed.
In this lesson we learn how to identify Wise Mind and learn skills to help us access Wise Mind. We talk about how to build your relationship with Wise Mind and specific ways to shift out of Reasonable when needed.
In Week 4, we learn the deeper concepts and attitudes of mindfulness. We discuss the Seven Attitudes of Mindfulness, Loving Kindness and we talk about how we can apply Mindfulness from a Spiritual Perspective.
Distress Tolerance Module
Introduction to Distress Tolerance
In this module we learn how to make it through major emotional intensity effectively so that we can function in the world without making a situation worse (short-term or long-term) by acting in problematic ways.
We learn how to tolerate distressing, painful emotions and urges because pain is part of our lives and can’t be avoided. If we can’t deal with our pain effectively, we may act in problematic or impulsive ways. Acting in problematic ways in response to painful emotions, means we may experience negative consequences for ourselves and our relationships. These consequences can also interfere with our values and long-term goals.
We discuss the three main goals of distress tolerance:
To be able to make it through a crisis without making it worse.
To accept reality and turn pain into suffering that we can endure.
To become more free
The DBT Distress Tolerance skills are made up of two sets of skills:
Acceptance Skills
Crisis Survival Skills
In Week 1, we focus on introducing the Acceptance Skills. This lesson covers the skill of Radical Acceptance and how we apply a number of skills to help us accept reality through the body.
In Week 2, we learn about the crisis survival skills. Learning how to cope with intense emotions and doing what works in a moment of crisis without making things worse with self-destructive coping. We look at when to use the Crisis Survival Skills and introduce the crisis survival skills, the STOP Skill, TIPP, Wise Mind Accepts and Urge Management.
In Week 3, we discuss how to self-soothe through the senses and how to intentionally increase positives during a very challenging situation through the IMPROVE skills. We will also be discussing how to use the Pros and Cons skill to evaluate how to be more effective during crisis situations. We also talk about what is a crisis survival kit and how to start putting one together for yourself.
In Week 4, we will learn how to deal with our thoughts. We look at how our thoughts and interpretations impact stressful situations. Our thoughts and interpretations can have a strong influence on your emotional reactions. Learning how to identify unhelpful thoughts, practice effective rethinking, and practice mindfulness of thoughts are all ways that we can deal with thoughts during stressful or distressing situations.
We cover the skills, Common Thinking Mistakes, Effective Rethinking, Checking the Facts and Mindfulness of Thoughts.
Dealing with Problematic Behaviors Module
Learn how to better understand and prevent/stop problematic behaviors!
Don't miss it! We will be discussing some really helpful information that will help you to stop behaviors that are bringing negative consequences to your life. We'll deep dive into different components of problem behaviors and how to do a behavioral analysis on yourself to help stop problem behaviors in the future!